Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas list

I've posted an entry where I listed my favorite films for Christmas... This entry will be a bit like that, only I will list the ten favorite things I like to include in my Christmas celebrations, no matter genre... Oh, it's gonna be great...

The notion of a white Christmas is probably a defining thing for most of us, even the ones living in countires where the sun always shines would relate to the "White Christmas". Now I'm going to bring you along down my memory lane to the most magical of Christmases when talking about snow.

I think I was around 15-16 at the time.
December had been without as much as a single snowflake, and I think we all dreaded Christmas, 10 degrees Celcius and dreary rain, but this was the Christmas we appeared to face.
I have always loved Christmas, like a child I might add, and this Christmas held no surprises or changes in my state of mind, but looking out the window as I awoke (to go downstairs, covered in my duvet, watching Disney), I was happy to announce to the entire house, thus waking them all (at least I chose to remember it that be hounest, I'm sure my brother dragged me out of bed, and not the other way around...but this is my story, and I'm the shero...), that it was finally snowing.
And boy did it snow. Snowflakes the size of Hoth came rambling down to cover the earth, and within a few hours everything became that beautiful winter wonderland from the song. The next morning it started to rain, and by New Year it was all gone, but at least, that magical night we had more snow than on the North Pole, and I'll never forget the view from our living room window!

I just love decorating for Christmas. The more shiny red and green orbs I can find, the more sparkling angels and the more nick knack I can dig out the better my Christmas will become... especially the sparkling part... I'm like the crow, it doesn't really matter if it's real or not, as long as it sparkles...

Making stuff
Along with writing stories, singing, painting, ignoring the dull house work, I also make stuff. New for this year are piggy banks... Only they are cylinders, or cartons. I take some plaster and cover them, then I decorate them with paint and glitter and the result is, though obviously home made, quite nice. And as I'm a poor student this year, this will serve as a Christmas card/gift... and I think the receivers, either they like them or not, should like them :-) They can take care of the money one doesn't need at the moment.

Wrapping stuff
Now, when I have made or bought the presents for my loved ones, it's time to wrap them. I have always taken great pride in presentation, and the result is that my mother doesn't only collect the gifts I give, but also the wrapping in which it came. So, sometimes, when I open a closet or a drawer I find the Christmas wrapping from ages ago...but it nice to be appreciated like that... I mean, who doesn't like a nice present?

Watching Travelling Strawberries' "The Julekalender"
Here in Norway we have something called advent calendar, a concept that would be known to most Christian nations...counting down from the first of December till the 24th. Some have a small piece of chocolate every day, some get a small gift every day, and always we have a TV-series having a continuos storyline, often with a theme of Christmas. These TV-series used to be for children only, but then around 1994 they made one for grownups, and this changed everything... Three guys got together and made the most surreal of series, based on a Danish concept from the previous year, and it was a fabulous success. People were going around in the streets quoting the advent series, and I think grownups remembered that joy of waiting for something great. And since then, this has been a tradition... I'm sure you have similar traditions in other countries, but this particular show is a show I like to enjoy during Christmas. I'm not equipped with much patience, so I like to put them on and watch at least half in one go, but hey, it's still magical...

Finding that special present for my family and friends...
I am of the almost holy conviction that it doesn't matter what things cost, but that there is a thought behind the purchase. I love to go searching for things my family and friends, and then take them home to wrap them myself. I never let them gift wrap my presents in the store.
And having brought the presents home to gift wrap them, I decorate I said, maybe while I'm listening to the Christmas album of Sting...

Watching my Christmas films (watch entry on Christmas films)
I have written an entire entry on this subject, and of course I encourage you to check that out, as it has some very neat films in it...

Walking around in a Christmas decorated shopping street or in a shopping mall ( I know that this is what many consider the low part of Christmas, but I really like walking around, taking my time, maybe with an ipod playing good music, and just be creative.).

Getting the Christmas Tree in the forrest, maybe on a very, very cold day.
We drive for like ten minutes and then we reach the woods. Here we can either pay to go into the woods finding our own tree, then cutting it ourselves, or we can buy one that has already been cut... We usually go for the latter. And, no mistake, it could have been raining and have been above zero celcius all week, but when we're in that wood the frost always gets there. Maybe even snow... And we make it a family thing. My parents, my son and I and sometimes my brother... I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Decorating the Christmas Tree, surrounded by family
Since I was a little girl, this part of Christmas has always been magical. And as I love things that sparkle, it's even better. My tree is always covered in (mainly) red and silver, it's such a lovely combination against that green back drop...

Getting together with the extended family at noon Christmas Eve.
My father has a lot of brothers and sisters, and we get together at noon Christmas Eve to eat a rice-based porridge with one almond hidden somewhere. Whoever gets the almond gets the big price, often candy of some sort... I actually got the almond one year... But at the time my brother served the role as the trickster... So he had announced that he had discovered the almond. He had already received the price. And then when I actually found the almond for real, my grandmother didn't believe me...and I almost cried... But my brother told it as it was, but still. The only time I actually found the damn almond, and he almost ruined it for me... But I have high hopes for this year...

Celebrating Christmas Eve with the ones I love, enjoying a good meal, enjoying the good conversation, enjoying the gifts, and enjoying the fact that responsibility in terms of work and studies are paused this evening. The only thing that matters are the people present, and in particular my son.

Feel great while preparing for Christmas. :-)

1 comment:

  1. yes, I know I said ten things...and listed twelve...consider them a bonus...
