Thursday, February 14, 2013

Winter thoughts

I am so sorry I've been a bit absent for a while, there really are no excuses. I will pull my act together, I promise. The thing is I have started a rather big project at Uni now, involving a lot of writing and a lot, a lot of studying, and being a single mum, sometimes the hours of the day simply aren't many enough.
But, I thought to myself the other day, I don't need to bring long entries every single time I update my blog. I could just tell you about this lovely trip I had to Liverpool a couple of weeks ago. I don't need to write about Shakespeare and Marillion, as my blog is about everything from Avon's Swan to Odin's crows... so I could tell you something very personal and very, well, sweet, to be honest, abut that trip, and it would totally be a part of what this blog is all about. And I'm usually a person who never mucks about thinking too long about things. So here I am, with an entry about life, really :-)

Liverpool is cold in February, but the people are warm and wonderful. I met up with a few friends I've found through my heart's music, Marillion, and they were as charming and delightful as I hoped they would be. Even better in real life, when I'm completely upfront. My first real meeting with Liverpool was at The Cavern, where Tim ...Something... were playing Beatles tunes, and he rejoiced in finally having a reason to play Norwegian Wood, as there finally was a Norwegian in the audience. My friend, Sue, wonderful, lovely Sue, showed me around, and I felt so looked after, and safe... 
This was the Friday, as I had gotten up at silly o'clock to get there, so I turned in rather early. 
But Saturday was the real diamond in my days in Liverpool. We had planned to meet up with a few more of our Marillion friends, and the Cavern became the venue for our gathering on Saturday as well. When we were all there, well the scene was set for a long day of fun and music and just brilliance. The best day in a while. Ended a bit sad, as I'm no fan of goodbyes, but following a goodbye is a hello in the future, so I'll live :-)

I'm going back in April, to Wolverhampton then... And also a weekend full of Marillion, friends, and a little bit of mania... The Marillion convention 12-14th of April... come join the magic.

Tim at the Cavern
Leaving the UK keeps getting that little bit harder every time... but luckily I get to go back, and that is always a delight. :) 


  1. Looking forward to meeting you at Wolves - glad you had a fab time with Sue x

    1. Wolves will be brilliant... looking forwards a lot x
